Fundación Amigos del Real Madrid Socio-sporting School in Santiago de Chile

Fundación Amigos del Real Madrid Socio-sporting School in Santiago de Chile


Year founded

April 2011

Type of project

Social sports football schools

Local Partner

Fundación Amigos del Real Madrid en Chile


Chile, Comuna Recoleta (Santiago de Chile).

DonationsIf you would like to collaborate with the Foundation, you can do so through the following account number



Or access the Real Madrid Foundation's donation website by clicking on the following button:


This school was founded in June 2003 in the town of La Florida. In 2009, the ESD relocated and the school now has two bases in the following towns:

- Municipalidad de Independencia, this is where the sporting activities take place, at the facilities within the Santa Laura Universidad SEK stadium. The facilities are let out by the Club de Futbol Unión Española SADP.
Municipalidad de la Estación Central here the sporting activities are carried out on pitches owned by the town council and the facilities are let out by the local authorities. The relationship between the Real Madrid Foundation and the various public and private partners at this school is held up as a model.

The school's programme offers football training to boys and girls who attend the town's state schools. The programme also includes health care (medical and dental checks), talks on preventative health and personal hygiene, as well as cultural and leisure activities. Since 2011, the Universidad SEK has been offering free academic support courtesy of the students enrolled on its nursery and primary teacher training courses, in what has proved to be a highly successful initiative. In addition, activities with parents are promoted with a view to making family living easier and to offer guidance on the education of their children.

DonationsIf you would like to collaborate with the Foundation, you can do so through the following account number



Or access the Real Madrid Foundation's donation website by clicking on the following button: