Online e Hybrid Programmes at the Real Madrid Graduate School

Real Madrid's Graduate School, in partnership with the prestigious Universidad Europea, has a unique selection of online programmes designed to provide top-notch training in the sports field from anywhere in the world. Master's degrees on High Performance Training, Sports Training and Nutrition and Sports Marketing, to name a few, are carefully crafted to combine the highest academic content taught by qualified experts in the sports field with the flexibility of online learning. This partnership ensures that our students receive a rigorous and up-to-date education.

Through our online programmes, we train professionals to lead and transform the sports world by providing them with the tools and knowledge needed to stand out in a global and dynamic environment. The union between the Universidad Europea and Real Madrid not only ensures a top-notch education level: it also provides a network of contacts and unique opportunities in the sports field to develop your career successfully. 


Biomedical and Health

Course in Sports Physiotherapy and Artificial Intelligence Online


Biomédicas y Salud

- Máster Psicología deportiva Online

Máster Entrenamiento y Nutrición deportiva Online

Máster Fisioterapia Deportiva Online

Curso en Inteligencia Artificial en la Fisioterapia Deportiva Online

Máster en Medicina Deportiva Online


Communication and Marketing

- Master in Sports Marketing and eSports Management Online

Course in Sports Marketing and Digital Transformation Online


Comunicación y Marketing

Curso en Marketing Deportivo y Transformación Digital Online



Course in Sports Coaching Online

Course in Football Data Analytics Online



Máster en Dirección de Fútbol Online

Máster Alto Rendimiento Deportivo Online

Máster Universitario en Entrenamiento y Nutrición Deportiva Online

Curso en Coaching Deportivo Online

Curso en Análisis del Fútbol a Través de los Datos Online

Curso en Modelo de Juego en Fútbol Online



Curso en Mediación Deportiva y Resolución de Conflictos en el Deporte Online


Business and Technology

Executive MBA in Sports Management Online

Master in Sports Marketing and eSports Management Online

Course in Big Data and AI in Sports Management Online

- Course in Sports Technologies Online


Empresa y Tecnología

Máster Dirección de entidades deportivas Online

Curso en Inteligencia Artificial y Big Data en la Gestión Deportiva Online

Curso en Tecnología Deportiva Online