Transparency and Sustainability

In this Area, the Club publishes relevant information on institutional, organisational, economic and contractual matters according to the Comprehensive Transparency Policy, specified according to the highest international and national standards. The Information is published in an incremental, continuous and updated way, and fully complies with Law 19/2013 on Transparency, access to public information and good governance regarding accountability and open exhibition of corporate activities.

The Transparency Policy of the Club, subject to processes in monitoring, evaluation and continued improvement, is part of the broadest policies of Corporate Social Responsibility and Good Governance, is complemented by the Code of Ethics and the Control and Compliance Programmes which ensure the prevention of violations, culminating with the Quality and Participation Systems for interest groups.

I.    Institutional, Organizational Training, and Planning

a. Applicable regulations
b. Organisation and Human Resources
c. Corporate Social Responsibility Report
d. Annual Report 2023-2024
e. Plans and Programmes
f. Contact Data

II.   Economic, Budgetary, and Statistical Information

a. Annual Accounts and Auditing 2023-2024
b. Settlement of the Budget 2023-2024
c. Consolidated Interim financial statements on 31 December 2024
d. Budget 2024-2025
e.  Conventions and Contracts with Public Administrations
f. Subsidies and government aid
g. Sponsors and Providers

1. Sponsors
2. Providers

h.  Seating capacity and security

1. Seating capacity
2. Security

i. Quality of Service

III.   Compliance and good governance